Tis the Season to Watch Movies

Is your December 25th tradition watching a movie and ordering Chinese food? Need some inspiration? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite Christmas, non-Christmas and newly released movies just for you. Watch a movie from the comfort of your own home, and order some food from a local business this December 25th!

Passing the Torch

This week we read Toldot, which tells the story of two siblings at odds with one another. A prominent scholar who referred to Jacob and Esau in his writings often was Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. In this post we refer you to his d’var Torah about Toldot and speak a little about his impact on Jewish learning. Just as Isaac passed the torch of the covenant to Jacob, Rabbi Sacks’ impact has passed the torch of Jewish learning to us.

Lead with Kindness

What a week we’ve had in the United States. Emotions ran high, fingernails were bitten low, and we practiced a whole lot of patience. It’s not over, but this week’s portion, Chayei Sarah, relates well to our next steps and what it really means to be an American.

Consent is Sexy

Parshat Vayera is full of wild stories. This week we focus on Lot and his daughters and the concept of consent. This topic may be tough for some as we talk about some more mature topics that some might find triggering and are not suitable for younger readers. Please make sure you are in a good mental space before you read.