You’ve probably heard your fair share of Jewish healing prayers. This week we explore some healing words from Leviticus that have inspired some beautiful melodies.
Say It Like You Mean It: Making our Meditations Match our Actions
Y’hiyu L’ratzon is a prayer that asks us to take some time for introspection. This week we talk about how we can make the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts acceptable to G-d.
Are you even listening?
Is there a difference between hearing and listening? What does it have to do with Judaism? This week we answer these questions while also exploring a classic cliché movie trope.
Gratitude for the Simple Things – Asher Yatzar
We’ve been talking about trying some new types of posts with this blog, and figured this would be a good week to start. One thing that we have been really wanting to do (and have been talking about behind the scenes for quite a while) is to delve into our Continue Reading