A Gift for Your Ears

Headphones plugged into a cell phone.

Welcome back to another week of MPT!  It’s that time of year again, the High Holidays are just around the corner!

Stephen Colbert blowing a shofar waving goodbye.

This is a busy time of year for many people as it is not only the start of our new year, but it’s the start of the school year as well.  Is it just us, or is the fall a crazy hectic time of year for everyone?  Like, the summer ends and the world is like “BACK TO REALITY NOW HERE’S A BILLION THINGS TO DO NOW OK GO!”  Which leaves the rest of us feeling a bit…frantic and overwhelmed.

meme of a cartoon dog surrounded by fire drinking coffee saying "this is fine".

So while we’re trying to sort our lives out, we didn’t want to leave you with nothing.  We’re doing a bit of a throwback to late 2017.  Back on our previous blog HawkTorah we decided to delve into the world of podcasts.  It was a fun time of just hanging out and talking about some of our favorite things.  We miss podcasting and would have continued, but it was challenging to podcast when we were in different states (which unfortunately is still the case).

You can listen to our first episode on SoundCloud, iTunes, Facebook, and Tumblr (though we recommend either SoundCloud or iTunes).

Here in the first episode of our podcast, we discuss the representation of Judaism on TV. It’s our shortest episode because we were just testing the waters. We hope you enjoy it and listen to the rest of the episodes where we talk about our families’ traditions, musicals, and much more!

Shana Tova!
Stay safe, wear a mask, and wash your hands.

Amanda & Marissa

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