Ideally, relationships are loving and supportive. But, sometimes they’re not. What do we do when we find ourselves stuck in a toxic relationship? Keep reading to find out!
One Step at a Time – Shemini 5780
Following rules and checking your work can seem tedious and redundant, but it’s important. Skipping a step can be the difference between life and death. Learn more in this week’s Torah portion…
Music That’s Even Sweeter Than Your Manischewitz
We made a Passover playlist just for you! We hope is lifts your spirits during your quarantine Passover!
What time is it? Sacrifice Time
This week’s Torah and Haftarah portions are chock full of information about one of our most favorite topics: sacrifice. Okay, maybe that’s not our most favorite topic, but we can learn a lot from our ancestors about sacrifice and we can certainly relate it to our lives now. I’m gonna Continue Reading
Gratitude for the Simple Things – Asher Yatzar
We’ve been talking about trying some new types of posts with this blog, and figured this would be a good week to start. One thing that we have been really wanting to do (and have been talking about behind the scenes for quite a while) is to delve into our Continue Reading
It Takes a Village…and a Cow?! – Parshat Parah 5780
This week on the Hebrew calendar is Shabbat Parah. It is one of the four special Shabbatot that prepare us for Passover, and comes immediately after Purim. The Torah reading for this Shabbat is special. Similar to last week, which was Shabbat Zachor, we read Parshat Ki Tisa (the story Continue Reading
Meet Marissa!
Hi! My name is Marissa, and it is very nice to meet you all! I’ve had to write many different bios about myself for various different jobs, but let me tell you, it’s always a bit of a weird and awkward experience. How do I begin? What do I say? Continue Reading
Meet Amanda!
Hi! My name is Amanda Eastman. My Jewish Journey began with religious school. In my early religious school years I went to several different schools. My most recent education was at my synagogue Temple Emeth where I started in the 5th/6th grade. I continued at Temple Emeth through my Bat Continue Reading
In the Beginning…
Once upon a time, on a college campus not too far from here, there were two brand new Hillel interns tasked with connecting college students with Jewish life. They decided to find a way to bring the Torah to their fellow students in a fun, modern, and easily digestible way. Continue Reading