In the Beginning…

ModPop Torah logo.

Once upon a time, on a college campus not too far from here, there were two brand new Hillel interns tasked with connecting college students with Jewish life.  They decided to find a way to bring the Torah to their fellow students in a fun, modern, and easily digestible way. These two interns were named Amanda and Marissa.  Sound familiar?

When we were first given this task, we brainstormed different possible ideas.  We thought about doing an email newsletter highlighting key topics from the portion.  Another possibility was creating Buzzfeed-like videos with the “5 things you need to know about this week’s portion”.  But we soon realized we didn’t have the skills yet to do so and time was of the essence! After a bit more brainstorming, we decided to start a blog.  We didn’t fully know what we were going to write about yet, but it was a start.

Fast forward 3 years, after a successful run of HawkTorah, teaching teens at JTConnect about how to write a d’var Torah, and writing for Hillel International, both Amanda and Marissa were graduates of the University of Hartford.  Wanting to continue bringing modern Jewish content to people of all ages, they decided to start a new project, one of their very own. And that’s how we got here, with ModPopTorah (MPT).

Similar to HawkTorah, MPT will bring engaging and relevant Jewish content to you.  We’re going to mix a little of our old content with some new flair. Fear not, this time around, we’re not just going to focus on the Torah, oh no.  Look forward to learning more about prayers, different Jewish themes, other biblical books, and new and exciting Jewish media.  

While we love bringing content to you, we also want to hear from you!  See something new, exciting and/or interesting? Share it with us at!

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5 thoughts on “In the Beginning…

  1. Finally! After much anticipation, MPT has arrived! So proud of both of you for your vision and determination. Look out world…..great things are coming from Amanda and Marissa!

  2. “May you be blessed as you go on your way…” – Debbie Friedman. All the best as you embark on this new venture!

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