Some Laughter with your Lulav

Lulavs and an etrog.

Welcome back!  We hope you had a meaningful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.  Happy 5781!

The holidays are still underway!  This week we are celebrating Sukkot. Life is still a little crazy for us, so we want to share some resources with you on this holiday.

MyJewishLearning has gathered some creative tips for families to celebrate Sukkot. This resource features information on building a sukkah, decorating it, dwelling in it and ways to celebrate.  This year is a very different experience for many when it comes to Sukkot, but you can always have these in your back pocket for the future!  This article also features a fun video for young people!

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks has also compiled a fascinating document on Sukkot.  He writes about the background of the holiday and the t’filah, and the power of this holiday for our lives today.  We’ve enjoyed a lot of what he’s written in his series, Covenant and Conversation, and we know you’ll enjoy this from his series, Ceremony and Celebration.

The internet has also provided an abundance of phrases and memes that will bring a smile to your face as we celebrate in this weird time.  Here are some of our favorites:

Sukkot portrayed by John Mulaney jokes:

Tweet from @Rebangers of John Mulaney saying "We have a new house" with the caption "sukkot."

My Shul Called Life (@RogueShul) on Twitter never fails to crack us up:

Tweet from @RogueShul that says No one:  Jews: do you want to sniff my special lemon?

And we definitely relate to this one trying to explain Jewish holidays to those who don’t understand:

Tweet from @shirasilkoff that says "trying to explain jewish holidays to people is all fine and well until you get to "and in this one we sit on homemade huts in our gardens for 8 days and also once a day we perform an interpretive dance with a lemon and a small tree'".

We hope that life gets a little less crazy for us in the coming weeks and that we will return to our “regularly scheduled programming” shortly. Stay healthy, wash your hands, and remember to vote!


Amanda & Marissa

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