Miriam’s Mixtape

Cassette tape that says "Miriam's Mixtape XOXO."

Welcome back to another exciting week of ModPop Torah!  It is the last full week of March and, therefore, the last full week of Women’s History Month.  ALSO Pesach (Passover) is just two days away!

The Passover story begins with some pretty significant women.  We learn about the two brave midwives who helped save Israelite baby boys, Shifra and Puah.  We also read about brave Yocheved, Moses’ mother, who conceals baby Moses for three whole months and, since Pharaoh ordered that all baby Israelite boys be thrown in the Nile, carefully places him in a wicker basket and places him at the bank of the Nile.  A fourth brave woman, Miriam, stations herself near enough to the Nile to keep a close eye on Moses, but far enough away as to not be seen.  When she sees Pharaoh’s daughter finds Moses she says to her, “Shall I go and get you a Hebrew nurse to suckle the child for you?”  And who, you might ask, was this Hebrew nurse who Miriam got?  It was none other than Yocheved.  Not only did Moses get to live because of his mother and sister, but he also got to grow up knowing them.

How would our Exodus story be different if Yocheved had not placed Moses in that basket or Miriam had not kept a watchful eye?  Thank goodness we don’t need to find out.  We do know that our story would be very different.

To celebrate these, and other, strong biblical women we have curated a playlist of songs made by strong modern women.  From pop to R&B, to hip-hop, to rap, to country this playlist is sure to satisfy any musical taste.  We hope you have as much fun listening to it as we did making it!

We also just want to give a quick warning before you listen in case there are those with little ears reading this. We picked songs that fall under a PG-13 rating, meaning there are some songs with explicates and mature content.

Captain America saying "language."

Parental discretion is advised for younger readers.

Parental Advisory Sticker.

Remember our Passover playlist from last year?  We encourage you to give it a listen as well as you prepare for your Passover festivities.

We wish you a Chag Pesach Sameach (Happy Passover Holiday) with health, happiness, and delicious matzah ball soup.

Until next time, stay safe, wash your hands, and wear a mask.

Amanda & Marissa

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